Current position : Home > SECONDARY > WALL SUCTION UNIT

SME Wall suction unit is designed to address your need for high flow rate and minimal maintenance in anywhere high and low of suction are used and available in more position selector for full line vacuum or selecting vacuum off or regulated vacuum on.
- Easy to use suctioin unit for wall.
- Collection unit provide reliable over flow protection.
- Full line /off/ regulated vacuum-one touch change selector
- On/off selector use without changing original setting
- One touch collection bottle separation.
- Regulated vacuum
    : 0 ~ 200 mmHg ( BD11-2000, BD11-2100 )
      0 ~ 760 mmHg ( BD11-7000, BD11-7100)
Consist of
- Display type : Digital Gauge, Analog Gauge.
- Surgical continuous regulator assembly
- Unbreakable polycarbonate collection bottle <1200cc> w/over-flow protector.
- Conductive tube assembly w/adaptor
- Pin index, Ohmeda, Puritan, bennett, Oxequip 
- Cleaning for auto Clave : Gray color
- Cleaning for Chemical : Violet Color